The first aqueous lubricating gel in France, developed by the Institute Jacques Waynberg®, is finally available of exclusiveness at “the King in the Condom”. Its very high incomparable lubricating qualities have made of him the best sale in dispensary for 22 years!. This aqueous lubricating gel (containing water), is colorless, odorless, without savor, non-spermicidal and non-allergenic. Its use can be internal or external. A pressure on this clever pump, releases an optimal lubricant amount with effectiveness and without waste. And it does not try!
Order today and you will be delivered :
For Paris only :
- before 12h36 today, by courier 1h30.
- before 14h06 today, by courier 3h00.
For the Suburbs :
- before 15h06 today, by courier 4h00.
For the whole France :
- on Monday 14th of October, with SoColissimo D+3 and Free Delivery.